Thomas White

A Development Journal

What's Playing at the UCB : My CLI Data Gem Project

This was such a mountain to climb. I know I am not the only one in this boat, but trying to gain a strong foothold in conceptual understanding while taking care of a one-year-old is a TASK. For so long, I’ve been feeling two steps forward, three steps back. I work full time at night. I am Daddy full time during the day. In between my daughter’s naps and in the wee hours of the morning is when I find time to code. The fact that I have reached any level of understanding of Ruby concepts, let alone enough to build this project, is a damn miracle.

Taking the Scenic Route

When I was in fifth grade, one of my teachers let me use an old Apple IIe to start learning BASIC at recess. Almost twenty years later, I enrolled at the Flatiron School to study Software Engineering.