Check If N and Its Double Exist

Posted by Tom White on July 29, 2020

Some of the knowledge gaps bootcamp graduates encounter are data structures and algorithms, so I thought it might be helpful to provide a walk-through of a basic array search problem found on Leetcode.

The problem:

Given an array arr of integers, check if there exists two integers N and M such that N is the double of M ( i.e. N = 2 * M).

Example 1:

Input: ** arr = [10,2,5,3]
**Output: ** true
**Explanation: ** N = 10 is the double of M = 5,that is, 10 = 2 x 5.

**Example 2:

**Input: ** arr = [7,1,14,11]
**Output: ** true
**Explanation: ** N = 14 is the double of M = 7,that is, 14 = 2 x 7.

**Example 3: **

**Input: ** arr = [3,1,7,11]
**Output: ** false
**Explanation: ** In this case does not exist N and M, such that N = 2 x M.


  • 2 <= arr.length <= 500
  • -10^3 <= arr[i] <= 10^3

Long story short, you need to write a function checkIfExists(arr) that accepts an array of integers and returns true or false based on the requirements above.

Before you read on, try and solve the problem yourself! It’s so easy to skip ahead and view someone else’s solution, but you rob yourself of actually learning the material. Sure, you can copy and paste a solution, but do you understand the theory behind it? Could you apply the solution to a similar, but slightly different problem? Allow yourself to struggle for at least 15 minutes before looking for a hint. This helps you really understand the methodology as well as identifying areas where you continually get stuck.

Solution Walkthrough (Javascript)

We are looking to see if there are two integers in a given array for which one integer in the array is the double of another interger in the array.

My Approach:

I knew I needed to keep track of each value as I iterated through the array. My first step was to create an empty array to store each “viewed” value.

const checkIfExist = arr => {
    let viewed = []

Using a for loop, for (x of arr), I pushed x onto the viewed array at the end of each pass through the loop.

const checkIfExist = arr => {
    let viewed = []
    for (let x of arr) {

I then was able to iterate through the provided array, returning true if x / 2 or x * 2 is contained in viewed or false if no element meets the criteria.

const checkIfExist = arr => {
    let viewed = []
    for (let x of arr) {
        if (viewed.includes(x/ 2) || viewed.includes(x * 2)) {
            return true
    return false

Vince Carter saying it's over

And that’s it!

Additional Resources: